The use of social media is to assist in raising awareness about Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Australia, to further each other’s understanding about their IEM and to be of mutual benefit to all members.
The MDDA would like everyone to feel welcome and comfortable whilst using Social Media. We ask that everyone adhere to some basic, common sense ‘dos and don’ts’ to keep in mind when posting and sharing.
Hit ‘LIKE’ or comment on posts you agree with or find useful. Ask questions you have – we are here to help and if we don’t know the answer we will do our best to find an answer or another person/organisation who can provide further assistance with your query. Remember, rare disease information is getting better, but for some conditions it is scarce or limited.
- Be respectful to other users.
- Protect your privacy. Keep your personal details including emails to yourself and use private messages to share this type of information.
- Respect the Law and Social media platforms Terms of Use.
Post any inappropriate comments. Anything found to be defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, threatening, unlawful or offensive in any way will be deleted.
- Post any material that is copyrighted or infringes intellectual property rights.
- Post any material falsely representing another individual, company or government agency.
- Post anything with adult themes. This page is for everyone including young users.
Any commercial spam or advertising will be removed.
Social Media is not the place to offer medical advice for you and / or your child’s medical condition/s. Information posted on our social media pages should not be considered medical advice, nor it is intended to replace consultation with a qualified health professional. If you have medical concerns these need to be addressed with your health practitioner.
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