My LowPro Pal-Your Ultimate Companion for IEM Dietary Management

MyLowProPal is here to revolutionise the way you track your protein intake and manage your overall well-being. With our comprehensive features designed specifically for IEM dietary management, you can take control of your health journey like never before.

Take charge of your IEM management and overall well-being with MyLowProPal. Available now on the Apple App Store and Android Google Play, accessible to all individuals with a current MDDA membership!

“It’s been a game-changer for us!”
“My son Charlie and I both use My LowPro Pal App on our own devices, and it’s been a game-changer for us. As a parent, I love the independence it gives Charlie to manage his own diet and health. It’s empowering for him, and it gives me peace of mind knowing he’s taking control of his nutrition”.
Testimonial from a Parent and Teenager
“My LowPro Pal App has been a lifesaver”
“In our busy household with two young children with PKU, My LowPro Pal App has been a lifesaver. Both parents and grandparents share the app, and it enables us all to be involved in meal planning and tracking. It streamlines our shared care responsibilities and ensures our children get the nutrition they need”
Testimonial from Multiple Caregivers
“My LowPro Pal App has been an essential tool in my daily routine”
“As a young adult living with PKU, My LowPro Pal App has been an essential tool in my daily routine. I love being able to track my wellbeing against diet and vitality markers, set reminders for my formula and appointments, and get inspired with new meal ideas. It’s made managing my condition so much easier”
Testimonial from a Young Adult with PKU

Thank you to our Sponsors

We extend our sincere gratitude to Biomarin and Menarini for their generous sponsorship, without which the development of our app would not have been achievable

Our informative tutorial video to gain insight into how to navigate the app with ease will be available soon!

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