Member Stories

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  • Yolanda’s Great Protein Challenge Workplace Event

    Yolanda’s Great Protein Challenge Workplace Event

    June is an important month in my household. My son, Hudson, was born last year on the 12th of June. His first birthday is this weekend, and we are so […]

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  • River Yuan

    River Yuan

    “Congratulations… It’s a boy!” With those words, our precious little son River was welcomed to the world on the 12th July 2019. He was a handsome baby with cute little […]

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  • Debra Coyler OAM

    Debra Coyler OAM

    “The doctor told Mum to put me in an institution and concentrate on my sister” I was diagnosed with PKU at the beginning of 1961 at 2 years 4 months […]

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  • Therese-Alena Gould

    Therese-Alena Gould

    “I’ve had many jobs and relationships throughout my adult life, but due to concentration issues and not remembering tasks or routines, I have always been let go or dumped.” I […]

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  • Trudy Smith

    Trudy Smith

    “The doctors realised that my diet had caused damage to the learning part of my brain and that my parents should consider putting me into an institution because they felt […]

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