My LowPro Pal is our Low Protein (IEM) Dietary Management and Wellbeing App –
A comprehensive management tool for day to day IEM management, diet/menu planning, nutritional monitoring, protein counting, milestone recording, healthy wellbeing goal setting & tracking.
Member Advantage
To make life a little easier for those managing an IEM, whether it is assisting in protein counting, planning your next meal or helping you to create your next shopping list. MyLowProPal is here to help you and motivate you to stay on track and provide a little bit more organisation and wholistic healthiness into your life.
Key Features
- Protein counting (per Australian IEM guidelines)
- Low protein recipes
- Low protein product catalogue
- Low protein meal plans (for all ages & protein allowances)
- Shopping lists
- Daily food tracker
- Wellbeing goal setting & monitoring
- Blood spot monitoring
- Reminders
… Plus much more
Coming soon for iPhone.
Future releases to include Android and additional functionality