The Great Protein Challenge
MDDA’s The Great Protein Challenge is something that keeps getting bigger with every successful year. The Great Protein Challenge (now a global awareness campaign) is a public health educational awareness and fundraising initiative that helps support kids and adults living with IEMs. It enables people to walk in the shoes of a person living with an IEM for a day to understand the importance, complexity and difficulty of managing their condition.
The challenge of 10 grams of protein in a day has been set as a modest threshold and is more than double the amount a classic PKU individual can tolerate in a day.
By being a part of The Great Protein Challenge, you will help raise awareness for all protein IEMs and provide an informative and fun way to engage in the conversation and get a taste of what it is like to live with an IEM for just a day. Funds also raised through the challenge will go straight into continuing to support the community through building further programs and contributing to MDDA’s Research foundation.
See how #lowpro you can go in 2023! Registrations open 1st April