MDDA understand that recently there has been some serious concerns with getting supply of supplements during these uncertain times. We have spoken to all of the suppliers again today, they have advised that there are no shortages of supplements/products/medicines. There is enough product available for everyone who needs them if we all continue to order our usual supply.
In recent weeks there has been a notable increase in orders, with some people ordering more product than they would normally. An increase of orders up to 70% has resulted in some short term local out-of-stock situations in some products and pharmacies. From 20th March 2020, the Australian Government has placed limits on the dispensing and supply of some essential medicines. This means for now an individual script can only be filled once a month. At this time, to ensure and safeguard supply, people are requested not to order outside of their usual cycle or stockpile medications/supplements and low protein products. We understand the concerns people hold, but this rate of ordering extra supplies is having a serious impact on the supply chain systems.
For the majority of people with PKU/IEMs one prescription is equal to at least one month supply. There may be some exceptions where people may need more for medical reasons. If your circumstances differ you will need to contact your dietitian to discuss your individual circumstances due to the new dispensing restrictions.
Please remember these changes are put in place to protect and ensure supply for everyone and to keep our small community safeguarded.
Our community has a great track record of helping and supporting one another. Let’s continue to reach out, help each other where we can and make our community stronger.
Extra support
If you need a bit of extra support, or you are struggling during this time, please don’t hesitate to call us 03 9723 0600.
More information about COVID-19 can be found here